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5 houseplants that are super easy to propagate | propagation guide (with pictures!)

Whether you want to expand your plant collection or gift your loved ones with a plant, propagating houseplants is always so fun and rewarding! We’re going to cover 5 common houseplants that are super easy to propagate giving you a step by step guide (with pics).

Dracaena Fragrans Propagation

Dracaena Fragrans was my first ever plant that I propagated. Actually my cat propagated it by breaking the stem lol, but I put the broken branch in water and after just a week a miracle happened. The branch grew completely new roots and, honestly, it was mind blowing to me.

Up until then I didn’t know much about plants, let alone that I can propagate them so easily.

Through the years, I propagated Dracaena Fragrans trees a bunch of times – always successfully.

All you need to do is to chop of a branch wherever along the stem. Remove a couple of leaves from the bottom of your cutting and place it in water.

Dracaena Fragrans roots out so easily in water and it adjusts easily to soil afterwards.

It’s not uncommon for Dracaena to loose lower leaves over time, or due to some problems. If your Dracaena has just a long leafless stem with a couple of leaves on top – you can cut below the first leaf (about 6″/15cm).

Before you chop of a part of your Dracaenas stem, you have to keep in mind that the plant will also push out new growth from the remaining stem of the mother plant. So, take a look at how you want your plant to look like before chopping it off.

Monstera Deliciosa Propagation

Monstera Deliciosa is another plant that propagates really successfully. You don’t need to be afraid to propagate it!

There’s only one thing – you need to cut a leaf together with a node.

If you cut a single leaf, without the node, you wont be able to grow out a new plant from that.

To find a node is fairly simple. A node is a bulged part where the leaf meets the stem. From there your plant grows out new growth – whether is a new leaf or new roots. You may actually see some areal roots coming out from that point.

When you found a node, all you need to do now is to cut below it (about an inch/2-3cm) and place your cutting in water.

Monstera Deliciosa, like Dracaena Fragrans, roots pretty quickly and adjusts easily when transferred from water to soil.

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Propagation

This one literally propagates itself.

When your plant is thriving, it’ll push out a stem from where new baby spider plants will start to grow. Wait until the baby plants grow out roots (about half an inch long – 1cm, at least) and than chop them off from the mother plant.

Cut as close to the baby plant as you can, but be careful not to cut any part of the plantlet itself.

You can plant them straight into soil, but you can place them in water, too. It’s really up to you.

Once you plant them in soil, all you need to do is follow a Spider plant care routine and patiently wait for the baby spider plants to grow and get big like the mother plant.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Propagation

Pothos is probably one of the most common vines we keep as houseplants. It’s a fast grower, it’s versatile and simply gorgeous. Next to that, it’s super easy to propagate.

Here you’ll also need to find a node to be able to propagate it.

To find a node on Pothos is pretty straightforward – it’s the point where the leaf meets the stem.

Cut half an inch (1cm) from the node, on both sides. You can go ahead and chop the whole stem like that – the more leaf cutting you have, the fuller your new plant will be.

Pothos can have a slightly more difficult time to adjust to soil when transferred from water. It’ll grow roots in water fairly quickly and successfully, but then, when you transfer it to soil, you may lose a couple of leaves.

On the other hand, you may lose a couple of leaves if you plant it directly in soil, too. So, it’s really up to you to choose water or soil propagation.

To me it’s easier to just propagate it in soil and that’s how I’ve been doing it for quite some time now.

But hey! If it’s your first time propagating a Pothos, why not try both ways? Experiment, play with your plants – it’s the best way to get to know them.

Pilea Peperomioides Propagation

This cutie is super easy to propagate by stem cutting, but what’s even better, you can propagate it by dividing the pups from the mother plant.

In that way you leave the plant intact and you’re left with so many new baby plants that will grow out to be as big as the mother plant. You can place those pups in water or you can place them directly in potting soil.

If you want to trim down your Pilea, you can go ahead and do it. The top part that you cut is a perfectly fine cutting that, if placed in water, will grow out new roots in no time.

Want to learn how to properly water your houseplants?Download for FREE our houseplant watering guide

 It will help you understand how to avoid mistakes and grow happy plants!